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The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman - Part 2
Join us for Part 2 as we review the timeless marriage classic, "The 5 Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman. Today we are covering...

The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman - Part 1
Join as we review the timeless marriage classic, "The 5 Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman. The original book was published in 1992 by...

Valentine Gift Ideas that won't Break the Bank.
Happy Valentine's Day! We're sharing some links for inexpensive gifts for your sweetheart. Get a sneak peek into what you'll find at the links...

The Most Romantic Getaways
Are you wondering what to get your sweetheart for Valentine's Day? Today we are reviewing's recommendations for the most romantic getaways in each...

Seven Stages of Marriage
Today we wrap up our series on reviewing different theories on stages of marriage. We are sharing an article titled the Seven Stages of...

The Five Stages of Marriage
Today we'll review "The Five Stages of Marriage and How to Cope" by Dr. David Onu. You can access the article here: Be sure...