Latest Episodes

Addressing your Spouse's Pet Peeves
Today we are reviewing an article by Guy Winch, Ph.D. titled "How to Survive 50 Common Marital Pet Peeves". It was posted February 20,...

We have Good News!
Happy Resurrection Sunday! We are sharing some scriptures, quotes and thoughts around the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You can find the ones...

Couples & Technology Rules to Set
Today we are reviewing 2 older articles on techonology and how it affects relationships. But don't pass by because of the dates! This informaiton...

Observing Lent as a Couple
Today we take a different approach to observing Lent by doing things as a couple. The scripture today is 1 John 3:16-17 in the...

Love is like Soup?
Today Wayne uses his soup making as an analogy for marriage. Our scripture is Colossians 3:14 taken from the English Standard Version. "And above...

The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman - Part 3 Final
Join us for Part 3 as we review the timeless marriage classic, "The 5 Love Languages" by Dr. Gary Chapman. Today we are covering...